Monday, May 30, 2016

The 3-Point Happy Cavaliers: Cleveland’s Scary Efficiency Beyond The Arc

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Things are definitely looking good for the Cleveland Cavaliers as they swept the Atlanta Hawks under the rug. In the postseason, the Cavaliers have yet to lose. It also seems that they are just cruising through the Eastern Conference playoffs.

The Detroit Pistons and Hawks, Cleveland’s first and second round opponents, respectively, were truly hopeful that they could beat the Cavaliers this time around. However, Cleveland responded with a totally different offensive strategy: take a lot of threes. Cleveland now holds the record for most 3-pointers during a single game in the post-season at 25. This is definitely a shock to most because this is the first time that they have done a feat as massive as this. In the past, their offense revolved around Lebron James and a lot of isolation plays. Now, however, they are moving the ball in the hopes of getting an open three-point shot. They are dangerously efficient beyond the arc as most of their attempts go in. The question that lingers in everyone’s minds including mine: Where did this 3-point happy time come from?

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According to veteran James Jones, it was due to their personnel that catalyzed the drastic transformation of the Cavs postseason. General manager David Griffin had a vision of surrounding James and Kyrie Irving with an abundance of shooters. He acted on it and is now reaping the fruits of his labor. The game of basketball is continuing to evolve as spacing is becoming more and more paramount. The Cavaliers are riding their coattails much to the dismay of other teams.

I’m Tim Eckersley, a freelance sports writer and basketball fan from San Francisco. I mostly cover the NBA, FIBA, and Olympic basketball. Please follow me on Twitter.

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